Friday, November 20, 2009


Well, a good place to start is of course to start with an introduction

I am Jon. I am 23 years old and busy at the moment with my honours degree in philosophy, hopefully finishing quite soon. I am obviously, by my name, male, and I am the kind of male interested in women and proud of it. My interests are varied, like any other person living in the world I am sure. I like to read, watch anime, play online games, cook, complain, rant, discourse, talk and maybe listen if you have a nice voice, and in special cases if you have something worthwhile to say.

What am I going to write about in this blog you may ask? Well... anything that tickles my fancy: the meal I just cooked; some stupid label I just saw; some politics or philosophy I have just read or have been told about and pretty much anything else that is mulling about in my insane and confused mind. The only thing I can say is: do not expect me to follow some strict procedure of what I should write about. Other than that, this is my first time blogging, and I do not really have any idea where to start.

The next question I would like to answer is why I chose JonDough. Well, firstly read it aloud, that should give you an indication of one reason. I think I am just some normal unknown person, and that emphases that point. The next obvious thing is that my name actually is Jon, well it is a shortened form of my name. The "Dough" part can point to a few different things about me, for instance that I like food. I have even spent a year working as chef, well less of a chef and more of a cook-grunt/vegetable-chopper. "Dough" also points to an issue I would expect a lot of people to have, and that is that I am conscious of my weight, or at least I was, thanks to gymming occasionally and doing martial arts when I was a bit younger I am no longer so worried about weight.

Anyhow. I hope that works as a general introduction. Expect me to post something proper fairly soon, there is rather a lot fermenting in brain at the moment, and all I need to do is get it typed out and cleaned up.


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