Well this is an interesting problem I had, and bare with me, I am not just being a male chauvinist pig. My ex-girlfriend once brought this problem onto me, and it caused me to think for a good long while in fact. This is since I am a man, and proud of liking women, therefore I am also proud of liking breasts. She however did not really understand this: “are they not just mammary glands, things to feed babies with?”.
Well yes, of course they are, and a damn good reason to have them in the first place. On a side note breastfeeding is very good for babies, increases their immune defence and has the right mix of nutrition for an infant, and you do not need a dietician or scientist to mix it for you and put it in a can either. Ancient Egyptian women would even go so far as to breast feed their children for three years.
Time to get back to my point. It is actually really hard to say why I like boobs (not just because it is something that will make me blush in polite company), I just know that I do. So I sat for a long while thinking about it. Firstly they are pretty good to look at, however, if you had a painting of a good pair of breasts and put it on your wall you would probably get bored of it after a while and it would become mundane. A painting is nothing like the real thing. It is not just because of how they feel either, you could manufacture a breast out of rubber, water and silicone to feel and look exactly like a real breast, even heat it up to the right kind of body temperature, but I seriously doubt that people will get as much pleasure feeling those up. They would probably get bored of it after a while. Also, I have heard some gay friends and female friends of mine also say that they like boobs. So, on a purely physical level I doubt people like breasts all that much.
However, I do think it is when you bring in the emotional or mental (subconscious) reasons for liking breasts that it starts to make more sense why breasts are so well liked. Being able to look at and feel, especially your girlfriends breasts, is a sign of trust, or of a level of trust within a relationship, in most cases (I am willing to admit there are some strange extroverted people out there, and many cases that do not fit in so well, like prostitution). There is also the tie to growing up, fondly remembering your mother (hopefully) and her feeding you (associations with food should be good), however gross that may sound thinking about it now. Then there is probably also a more primal reason, you want (deep down in subconscious of course) someone who will be good at bearing your combined children. Women look for a good strong man who is able to defend and get food; men look for a good figure to have children, in other words, looking at waist and breasts. This may not be accurate, maybe even somewhat wrong, but it does seem to explain the reasons better.
These may not be the only reasons, and I am fairly sure for each person their reasons are a different combination or concentration of these reasons. But this is where my thinking leads me to. Hopefully this makes some sense to women out there, and will help men put into words their reasons for liking breasts.